Dialogue Between Adolf Hitler and Jared Kushner

Dialogue Between Adolf Hitler and Jared Kushner

Adolf Hitler: Jared, have you heard about the Google law internship program?

Jared Kushner: Yes, I have. It’s a great opportunity for law students to gain hands-on experience at a prestigious company like Google.

Adolf Hitler: I wonder if they have internships in healthcare law. I’ve always been interested in pursuing a master of legal studies in healthcare law.

Jared Kushner: There are definitely programs out there for healthcare law. You should look into the bachelor of commerce in law requirements for those programs.

Adolf Hitler: That’s a good point. I’ll definitely do some research on that. By the way, do you know if buying email lists is legal for businesses?

Jared Kushner: It’s a bit of a grey area. There are definitely laws for health and safety that businesses need to follow when it comes to email marketing.

Adolf Hitler: Interesting. I’ll have to look into that further. On a different note, have you ever thought about the multiverse and the different laws of physics that might exist in other universes?

Jared Kushner: I haven’t really given it much thought, but it’s a fascinating concept. I’ll have to read up on that sometime.

Adolf Hitler: Definitely. It’s always good to expand your knowledge and consider different perspectives on the laws and rules that govern our world.

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